Beautiful You
Tim Nast is pleased to announce the release of his newest album – Beautiful You.
12 songs that celebrate the incredible range of human emotion – including love, strength, courage, hope and resilience.
With solo piano and orchestration, Beautiful You invites all of us to celebrate ourselves, and our humanity.
Buy a digital copy and receive it today!
About Tim Nast
Tim Nast is a Canadian pianist and composer.
His music is a blend of jazz, folk and new age.
His instrumental songs include solo piano, and piano with orchestration.
His music is melodic and soulful, and captures what we often feel inside.
Initially from Vancouver Island, Tim Nast lives in Ottawa, Canada.
Beautiful You – first 3 singles
Happy Boy
One of the most beautiful elements of humanity is a little boy caught up in the innocence and adventure of being all things ‘boy’. To see his grin, to feel his energy and get swept up by his enthusiasm is one of the most wonderful sights to behold. Happy Boy celebrates this – the magic of being a boy.
Listen to the song!
Happy Boy
Autumn Heart
There is a majesty in the autumn unlike any other season. It is the falling of the leaves and the leaves on the ground. It is the cooling of the air and the harvest moon. But more than this, the majesty of autumn is found inside our hearts, stirred and kindled, as we prepare for hibernation and the season that lies ahead.
Listen to the song!
Autumn Heart
Count Me In
There are times when we all need a helping hand – a shoulder to lean on, someone to hear us and give support. And in these vulnerable moments, there is nothing more powerful and gratifying, nothing more comforting than to hear the words, “Count me in.” To have someone say they are with us, and to know we are not alone, this is often all we need to move forward with head held high. Count me in.
Listen to the song!
Count Me In
Buy the album today!
Just $9.99
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A gifted pianist and composer, Tim Nast offers many albums for your enjoyment